Volunteer FAQ
Do I need a ticket to volunteer?
YES. All volunteers must have a participant ticket to the event itself. No exceptions. Volunteering will NOT get you in the gate – only a ticket will.
How do I go about volunteering?
Log in to your account on this website — go to the section on the menu labeled “Volunteer” and click on “Sign Up.” Choose whatever team tickles your pickle(back), and you’re off to the races. Pick some shifts that interest you and sign up for them. If you’re not sure what the teams do, you can check out the “Teams” page under the Volunteer menu. It’s that simple!
I’m all signed up, can I get in early?
All volunteers may be permitted to enter the day prior to their shift, however you should check with your team lead to be sure. Early entry is heavily regulated and you must be signed up, online, before sign-up closes. Your profile information on the site must be accurate (Name, Email, Burn name) or you may be denied entry.
Where do I enter my ticket number when I volunteer?
You don’t have to! Whee! We used to have this as a requirement, but it got too confusing. Just make sure you’ve got one, and go sign up.
How do I get my ticket refunded once I’ve signed up for my volunteer shifts?
Short answer is: you don’t. This isn’t a festival, so you don’t get ticket credit for volunteering. You get the awesome ability to be insanely sexy though (because everyone knows volunteers are sexy) and the knowledge that you’re the walking, talking embodiment of, like, a bunch of principles, man.
Should I volunteer before I have a ticket?
We beg of you: while your intentions are solid, please please DO NOT sign up before you have a ticket.
I can’t remember what I’ve signed up for – where can I find that info?
Log in to your account and visit the Volunteer Sign Up Page — all of your shifts are all listed there underneath all the open shifts, just scroll down! Now, jot those puppies down, ‘cos radical self-reliance is radical 🙂
Whoops, my schedule has changed – how can I change the shifts I’ve signed up for?
Same basic steps as above – only when you get to the Volunteer Sign Up Page, and scroll down, you can choose “clear” next to your shifts. (and then the site will be sad) But! You can go sign up for new ones that match your schedule better just like we went over above.
Will anyone remind me of my shifts?
You will get an email with them before the event. Keep it safe!
I’m afraid I’ll forget what shifts I’ve signed up for once I get to Ignite – is there anyone that can help me with that?
Why yes! We’ll have a printed list of all filled and open shifts on site. Head over to the VIPS booth to check the list.
I want to sign up on site – can I do that?
Sure thing! again just pop over to VIPS and find an empty shift, sign up, and then SHOW UP. Thank you for volunteering!
What are the teams?
There are many. A quick guide can be found under “Teams” in the Volunteer tab
Want to help lead?
Did you know: Our organization is entirely volunteer-run, from the Board of Directors, planning committees, right down to our Traffic and Parking Volunteers.
Be the weird you want to see in the world. Volunteer.