Conduct Reporting
Conduct Reporting
The IPA would like to highlight the importance of consent. At Ignite!, consent is celebrated and viewed as an integral part of participant interaction. We will respond to consent-related issues brought to our attention by those with firsthand knowledge of the situation. We take under considerations if the consent issue occurs onsite at the event itself but we do not exclude issues that do not occur at Ignite!.
Remember, most importantly, that you are the burn. The IPA are simply the organizers of a great event for the community. Of course we take the safety of our participants very seriously. If there is reasonable evidence that someone is a threat to our community (consent or general conduct), we do reserve the right to refuse admission.
If you have specific knowledge of an event that you believe the we should be aware of, even if you feel its small, the best course of action is to email [email protected]. We cannot take action if we are unaware of a reportable situation. Emailing [email protected] ensures your report will be seen by the proper channels. Unfortunately we are unable to monitor social media posts to the degree that we would see all issues posted to our Facebook group or on an individual’s page. We ask our community to protect one another and our event. That starts with communicating potential issues or past occurrences directly.
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Did you know: Our organization is entirely volunteer-run, from the Board of Directors, planning committees, right down to our Traffic and Parking Volunteers.
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