Effigy and Temple

Ignite! Effigy and Temple Information and Application

One of the most incredible elements of the Ignite! experience is the artwork and creativity that blankets the landscape and fills the corners of Combustia.  It's something that lives in the memories of everyone who has attended.  We invite you to contribute to that experience, and would love to hear your ideas and see if we can help fund their completion.

Ignite! Effigy and Temple

Do you have a passion for building big things and then burning them to the ground?  The Ignite! Planning Association is looking for an effigy designer for the 2025 event.  If your design is selected, you will be asked to create a volunteer team and build the effigy at Spirithaven.  We would like for the project to be finished by Wednesday evening so Combustians have time to explore the structure prior to the Effigy Burn on Saturday evening.

The Temple will begin construction at a temporary location in Combustia. On Sunday morning, it will need to be moved to the fire circle where Saturday's Effigy took place. There should be some interactive aspect to the Temple, allowing people to leave messages to be transported to the aether.
This document outlines the following elements: Process, Exemptions, Selection Criteria, and Application Requirements.Please be thorough in your responses and include pictures! Over the years, projects that are thoroughly yet concisely described with images included have been the most successful at receiving funding. Clear budgets, concept images, and attention to detail helps the IPA see your vision.These elements should give you what you need to apply. Read through everything and show us how amazing the art will be this year. Please forward any questions, images, renderings, and other support materials electronically to [email protected].Details:
* All effigy submissions must be through this form.
* $3500 is being allotted for the Effigy budget, and $1500 for the Temple
* Effigy designs must be no taller than 30 feet high.
* Fireworks are not allowed.
* Due to the livestock and animals on the property, there should be no loud reports (bangs).  Please inspect your final product to make sure that all aerosol cans are removed prior to lighting the effigy.
* Effigy will be the center piece for the main burn on Saturday night.
* Effigy construction should be completed by Wednesday evening (or sooner) leading up to the event.
* You’ll need to solicit your own volunteer team to help realize your dream and build the structure.
* Structures may be built on-site or prefabricated.
* All LNT guidelines must be followed before, during, and after the event.
* Nothing may be left behind post-event (nails, wood, or metal supports).

Who can apply?
Anyone in the Combustia community who does not fall in the categories below:
* A member of Ignite! leadership (this includes IPA, Team Leads, Team Co-Leads)
* A member of the Transformus Family of Burns Board of Directors
* Significant others (co-habitating partners) of any of the above

Selection Criteria:
•  Feasibility
Physical - Financial - Schedule - Is it well thought out and realistic?
•  Community Engagement/Interaction
Does it engage burners and add to the Ignite Experience?
•  Safety
Is it safe, in regard to fire, heights, sharp metal, or other physical danger?
Remember this is an all ages event. Children will be present.
•  Leave No Trace
Is it effective within the Spirithaven environment? Adhere to burner principles?

Final Thoughts
* Be thorough and concise, noting when elements are not applicable (N/A).

Questions that were not covered here, please email [email protected]

Share your creativity with the Ignite! family.

Want to help lead?

Did you know: Our organization is entirely volunteer-run, from the Board of Directors, planning committees, right down to our Traffic and Parking Volunteers.

Be the weird you want to see in the world. Volunteer.

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