Please do not sign up for a shift until you have your ticket! Please be sure to visit the VIPS booth to sign up on site. Online sign-ups will close May 15th.
Use this key to help you find volunteer shifts that fit you best:
[KF] - This team has Kid-Friendly volunteer shifts for our younger burners to participate with their adults! (Adults please sign up under your name.)
[TF] - This team has Teen-Friendly volunteer shifts teenage burners can sign up for!
[AF] - This team has Accessibility-Friendly volunteer shifts that are great for burners with mobility issues. If you want to volunteer, but shouldn't spend too much time exerting yourself physically, these are the shifts for you!
Your Shifts:
You do not have any current signups
The Volunteer Sign-Up System is CLOSED! Please visit VIPs onsite to sign up for a shift!