2015 Afterburn Report

2015 Afterburn Report


Ignite! 2015 was held on Memorial Day weekend on the beautiful SpirtHaven property in Stuart, VA.  SpiritHaven is owned by Scott and Kay Euster who were welcoming hosts and jumped into the spirit of the burn wholeheartedly.  It was the first year that the event was planned by the newly formed seven member IPA (Ignite! Planning Associates) under the legal oversight of the Transformus, LLC Board of Directors.  Despite new leadership, a new location, and a short planning cycle, Virginia’s first regional burn was considered a great success by the vast majority of leadership and participants.   The focus of the burn was leadership development, acculturation, Playforms, and incorporating children and families beyond simply allowing their presence – by truly welcoming them into the heart of the event.  

Early set up by key team leads and IPA members began on Wednesday May 20th, and theme camp set-up entry was Thursday May 21.  The main event entry began on Friday May 22nd.   A stunning effigy was burned Saturday night.  Our Sunday night temple was built by the children in attendance and was preceded by a glow-toy children’s conclave which was so amazingly adorable it made many more trips around the temple then planned because no one could bring themselves to stop the cuteness.  

The total number of tickets sold were 560 adult tickets, 30 child tickets,  12 under-five tickets and 11 landowner tickets.    Actual attendance was 485 adults, 22 children, 8 under-fives and 9 landowner tickets. (FLOW tickets?)  These figures do not include the 13 unticked Peafowl whose vocal and aesthetic contributions to the burn were impossible to miss.

A total of 19 hard working volunteer teams made this event possible.  They included Gate, Traffic and Parking, G.R.E.A.T.L.Y. (Greeters – Education – Acculturation – LNT, P.I.M.P.S. (Playform Implementation and Management People), Rangers, Fire Response, First Aid, Sanctuary, Conclave and Drummers, Effigy, Temple and Art Burn, DPW/Inventory, City Planning, Kids Liaison, Department of Mutant Transport, Singage, Illuminauty (Lamplighters), and Logistics.  Security and Medical services were contracted with F.L.O.W. Event Services who are based in Asheville, NC.

There were a total of 23 theme camps, many known and loved from other regional burns, and a few that made their debut at Ignite!.  

One unique aspect of Ignite! are Playforms.  Playforms are platforms for playful learning – participant generated workshops that are focused whatever subject our burners feel inspired to lead or teach.  This was the third year where Playforms were incorporated and their popularity is growing quickly.  The organizers of Ignite! encourage other burns to incorporate this exciting new aspect of burn culture.  

Ignite! originated as the Transformus Town Hall; this continues to be a vital component of the weekend.  The Transformus BOD was on hand to share news and updates of the upcoming NC regional burn, introduce new leadership and give the community a chance to ask questions and make comments.  Near all the Ignite!!! participants were present for the Town Hall.  Ignite! was also a chance for Transformus team lead and co-leads to meet with each other and their BOD support person in preparation for that event.  

Our financials are available at Ignite! Burn 2015 Financial Statement

Ticket Sales$30,393.09
Credit Card Processing Fees$720.00
Ticket Vendor Fees$974.03
Less Cost of Goods sold$1,694.03
Gross Profit$28,699.06
Land fees$5,900.00
Golf Carts$1,414.44
Port a potties$1,938.50
Generator - gate$315.90
Fire Truck Mileage$295.00
Truck Rental and Gas$616.28
Total Equipment Rentals$5,733.45
EMS Services$2,500.00
Security Services$2,500.00
CPR Certification Class$121.23
Total Professional Services$5,121.23
Effigy Build costs$1,092.67
Team Expenses$1,503.38
Team Expenses$88.51
Gate Stickers$302.00
Wrist Bands$750.00
Tent Stakes$1,539.55
Total Supplies$250.00
Vol Fire Department$630.00
Stuart Elementary Art$630.00
Patrick County High School Art$630.00
Burners Without Borders$630.00
Black Rock Solar$630.00
Total Donations$2,770.00
Total Expenses$24,943.28
Net Profit$3,755.78
Reserved for 2016 Art grants$1,500.00
Contribution to Operating Fund$2,255.78

The I.P.A is excited as we look ahead to 2016 and we are already hard at work make this burn even better than last year. We welcome your feedback at [email protected]

Want to help lead?

Did you know: Our organization is entirely volunteer-run, from the Board of Directors, planning committees, right down to our Traffic and Parking Volunteers.

Be the weird you want to see in the world. Volunteer.

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