Sanctuary Training
Sanctuary volunteers: Wanna get a head start on your burn? Mark your calendars; Blossom, one of our fabulous co-leads, is hosting two online Sanctuary trainings before we all head to Spirithaven for a wonderful weekend. The training is required for volunteers who haven’t been trained in the last year. There will be onsite trainings as well, if you don’t want to do it online. Here are the details for the online offerings:
Thursday 5/16 6:30-8:30pm
Saturday 5/18 12-2pm
Both meetings will be on Jitsi, and we will follow up with a meeting link on Wednesday 5/15, so check back here then to get set up!
Want to help lead?
Did you know: Our organization is entirely volunteer-run, from the Board of Directors, planning committees, right down to our Traffic and Parking Volunteers.
Be the weird you want to see in the world. Volunteer.