Ignite! 2020 and COVID-19 Update
As you are aware, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted people and events throughout the world. Our region, including the state of Virginia, is no different. Governors have banned large gatherings, public health officials have stressed social distancing and sanitation, and many people, including members of our burn community, are concerned. We hear you and we are staying informed. Preserving the health and safety of both our burn community and the local community is our greatest imperative.
In consideration of this, the Ignite! Planning Association (IPA) is making several changes to our 2020 schedule:
- 1) Spring Work-Play weekend (4/4/20) has been canceled. We may schedule another work-play weekend later to continue working on improving Spirithaven.
- 2) Ignite! Burn will be postponed. We will not hold the burn on Memorial Day weekend this year. However, we are actively exploring opportunities later in the year. Our intention is to have a burn. We are determining the best approach, timing, and method to make this happen. In the meantime, we humbly request that you stick with us as we work diligently towards an event later this year. As long as you are comfortable with the delay, hold onto your ticket until we announce the new dates. This will allow us to plan accordingly. If you prefer a refund at this time, please see the refund details below.
Postponement Details:
- *New event dates have not yet been determined, we are aiming for summer or fall.
- *Refunds are currently available for those who would like them.
- *Once an alternate date is identified, refunds will have a stop date. Once the stop date is reached, any still existing tickets will become non-refundable. This date will be no sooner than 1 week before a future ticket sales date for the postponed event.
- *Unrefunded tickets and any new tickets sold will be valid at the postponed event. No action is required on your part.
- *We will provide at least 30 days notice of new event dates, any new ticket sales that may support that date, and refund period end date once determined.
- *If we must cancel (worst case scenario), then we’ll make refunds available for all tickets.
Refunds can be issued immediately by emailing Brown Paper Tickets directly at [email protected] (preferred) or by calling 800-838-3006. Be aware that, like all of us, they are dealing with increased call volumes and reduced staffing. Please be patient. For questions about refunds, you can reach our ticket guru at [email protected].
Continue to check our newsletter, Facebook page, and website for all the latest official information as it unfolds. We will do our best to stay in regular communication. We do not make these decisions lightly. Ultimately, this is the best way to protect the health and wellness of our community and the region at large. Take care of yourselves and each other, wash your hands, practice social distancing, and continue to prove that the Ignite! community is strong and beautiful. If you have any questions or concerns please contact [email protected]. We’ll work hard to try to make the most we can of 2020. We look forward to seeing you all at home.
With Love,
The IPA and Transformus LLC Board of Directors
Want to help lead?
Did you know: Our organization is entirely volunteer-run, from the Board of Directors, planning committees, right down to our Traffic and Parking Volunteers.
Be the weird you want to see in the world. Volunteer.