Ice Sales!

Team Freeze Your Burn! is here with ice. It’s frozen. It’s in cube shape. It’s clear-ish. It keeps things cold.

In A Nutshell:

Sales Start: with ticket sales – 1/26/2020 at 4pm

Sales End: 4/25 @ 11:59pm

Where to Buy: The Tickets Sale Page 

How Much: $5 per 10lb bag

When to Pick Pp: 11am to 1pm on Saturday (Burn Day!)

Where to Pick Up: the Pavilion, and make sure you bring your dancing shoes because it will be a Disney Dance Party!!

There is a cap on the amount of ice the vendor is able to bring in, therefore once we sell 380 bags ice will be sold out!

Don’t be a sparkle pony who waits and misses the deadline! There will be no sales past the deadline, no exceptions! We will not be selling ice on-site!

If you do not come pick up your ice during the allotted time, we will donate it to whichever burner we deem most worthy, without apology or notice.

As always, all net proceeds benefit a local charity.

Want to help lead?

Did you know: Our organization is entirely volunteer-run, from the Board of Directors, planning committees, right down to our Traffic and Parking Volunteers.

Be the weird you want to see in the world. Volunteer.

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