Musings: 11/27/2019

November 25, 2019 : Vol. VIII, Issue XIV 
Essential Information: Ignite!
+ Ignite! 2020 Information
+ Ignite! 2020 Effigy Design Application
+ Ignite! 2020 Kids’ Effigy Design Application
+ Ignite! Theme Camp Event Registration
+ Playform Registration Now Open
+ 2020 Art Grant Applications are Open!
+ 2020 Ignite! Art Jury Members NEEDEDEssential Information: Transformus
+ Hello from the TLC!

Ignite! 2020 Information
Hello Combustizans! The IPA can’t wait to see you at home again in 2020, and we know you are looking forward to it also. With that in mind, we wanted to share some preliminary information so you can make your plans!
Ignite! 2020 will once again be held at the beautiful Spirithaven in Stuart, Virginia on Memorial Day weekend (May 22nd through the 25th).
Ticket prices, volumes, and sale dates are finalized! 
Prices will be the same as 2019’s:
*Adults (age 13 and up) = $95.00
*Kids (age 5 to 12) = $47.50
*Youngins (under 5) = Free

Sale dates and volumes:
We’re upping the headcount a bit by 50 tickets to try and take advantage of the new parking and space gained in Pyrotopia. After this year we’ll be able to see how much more we can expand and what needs to be done to facilitate that. As is tradition with Transformus family burns, we prioritize slow and careful growth where demand is shown and volunteers can support.
*Round 1 – January 26th @ 4pm – 325 adult tickets
*Round 2 – February 26th @ 8pm – 325 adult tickets
*Kids and youngin tickets are unlimited provided guardians are attending. 

Link to ticket sales page will be provided in a future newsletter and on our website.

Ice sales are coming to Ignite! 2019 was a really hot burn in more ways than usual so, this year we plan to offer ice sales just like Transformus has for a few years. Details are still being worked out and vendors being located, but if all goes well then you’ll be hearing more info on this topic soon as well. 

Art / Effigy Grants and Playform applications are opening.
We are trying to get a jump on many of our application-based processes so, look in this newsletter for information on Art Grants, Effigy Grants, and Playforms! We want your art, your ideas, and your energy to make this burn as beautiful and fun as it can be, so get those creative gears turning and put in your application ASAP! As a reminder, all Art and Effigy grant winners get a ticket code to purchase a guaranteed ticket to Ignite!, so don’t delay!

New this year, all approved playforms submitted before ticket sales will also receive a single directed ticket code, up to our cap on codes. Don’t delay in getting your application submitted today! Playforms are part of the lifeblood of Ignite! and we want to support what you are doing to teach each other and help us all grow. This is one way we can do that. We can’t wait to see what playforms you bring this year! 

Leadership needs are always on our mind. Do you want to step up and be a team lead or co-lead?Maybe you would fit well on a Planning Committee or the TFam Board? Let us know you are interested by filling out this form.

We review this form regularly when we need new leads and we don’t want to forget about those who have expressed interest. Note, this is not an application, but it is a low impact way to get your name in the pool. We always need good leaders to step up and help make our burn the best it can be!

Ignite! 2020 Effigy Design Application
Do you have a passion for building big things and then burning them to the ground? 

The Ignite! Planning Association is looking for an effigy designer for the 2020 event. We will be accepting applications from now until December 22nd. 

If your design is selected, you will be asked to create a volunteer team and build the effigy at Spirithaven. We would like for the project to be finished by Wednesday evening so Combustizans have time to explore the structure prior to the Effigy Burn on Saturday evening. 

The budget for this year is $1,500.  
Process & Schedule:
* 10/15/19 – Effigy Applications OPENED
* 12/22/19 – Effigy Applications CLOSE
* 12/23/19 – All applications blinded and forwarded to the IPA
* 01/07/20 – The IPA scores each blinded application and selects project
* 01/10/20 – FRT reviews selection
* 01/12/20 – Applicants will receive an email with details on selection and funding
* 02/28/20 – Full payment issued
* 05/19/20 – Delivery and installation at Ignite!

For more detailed instructions, please go to It is important to read the requirements thoroughly. You will need to submit a budget, concept images, a timeline for completion, and an elevator pitch. Remember to be as descriptive as possible so the jury will be able to envision this idea you have created.  

Once you have reviewed the instructions, click here for the application. 
If you have questions, please email [email protected]

Remember: You only have until December 22nd to apply!

Ignite! 2020 Kids’ Effigy Design Application
Do you enjoy working with children AND have a passion for building big things and then burning them to the ground? 

The Ignite! Planning Association is looking for an effigy designer for the 2020 event. If your design is selected, you will be asked to create a volunteer team and build the kids’ effigy at Spirithaven. 

The majority of the project will need to be created and built on site so that the children of Combustia can help participate in creating a masterpiece. The Kids Effigy will begin construction at a temporary location in Combustia. On Sunday morning, it will need to be moved to the fire circle where Saturday’s Effigy took place. 

The budget for this year is $500.  

Process & Schedule:
* 10/15/19 – Kids Effigy Applications OPENED
* 12/22/19 – Kids Effigy Applications CLOSE
* 12/23/19 – All applications blinded and forwarded to the IPA
* 01/07/20 – The IPA scores each blinded application and selects project
* 01/10/20 – FRT reviews selection
* 01/12/20 – Applicants will receive an email with details on selection and funding
* 02/28/20 – Full payment issued
* 05/19/20 – Delivery and installation at Ignite!

For more detailed instructions, please go to It is important to read the requirements thoroughly. You will need to submit a budget, concept images, a timeline for completion, and an elevator pitch. Remember to be as descriptive as possible so the jury will be able to envision this idea you have created.  

Once you have reviewed the instructions, click here for the application. 

If you have questions, please email [email protected]
Remember: You only have until December 22nd to apply!

Ignite! Theme Camp Event Registration
What’s your camp got going on next year? Revelry and merry-making? Tournaments and competition? Yummy noshes and tasty beverages to share? If your camp is hosting a splendiferous event, there’s a handy-dandy form just for you! Go here and register your theme camp events today. Any questions just email [email protected]

Playform Registration Now Open!
Did you want to be a teacher when you grew up? If you have a hobby or skill to share, hosting a playform will be right up your alley. You don’t have to be an expert; just have some knowledge and a passion for whatever you share. Head on over to our swanky website to get your playform on the books. Have a cool idea but don’t want to host it yourself? Tell us and we’ll see if someone in the community is interested! Any questions just email [email protected].

2020 Art Grant Applications are Open!Hello Combustizans! We are happy to announce the opening of the 2020 Art Grant Applications. We will be accepting applications from now until December 15th. In our 5th year, we are excited to have a budget of $3,250 to disperse amongst our artists.  

Anyone can apply for an art grant; you don’t have to be a professional or even consider yourself an artist. We want YOU to make something to share! This is an all ages opportunity. If under age 18, the individual must have an adult sponsor that is, or is approved by, their parent or guardian. 

For detailed instructions, click here. It is important to read the requirements thoroughly. You will need to submit a budget, concept images, a timeline for completion, and an elevator pitch. Remember to be as descriptive as possible so the art jury will be able to envision this idea you have created.  
If you have questions, please email [email protected].

Ignite! Art Jury Members NEEDED
Want to serve on a jury that you won’t be searching for excuses to get out of? Want to contribute towards our community art but don’t have a creative bone in your body? The Art Jury is the place for you. The jury will convene in early January. You will need to be available on a selected date for approximately 3 hours to review each application and help select the winners. Jury will be held via Google Meets or similar platform. In order to be on the jury, you cannot be a part of the applicant pool and are asked to disclose if you know of a blinded project while on the jury call.
Click here to complete the Art Jury Interest Form by December 1st.

Hello from the TLC!
Hi Mysterians! The TLC would like to send our warmest regards as we enter the cold months of the year. 

We have some big news in store regarding future Transformus events, and we can’t wait to tell you more. For now, however, we’ll have to let the suspense build a bit. So, keep your eyes and ears peeled, and we’ll let you know once everything is concrete!

Want to help lead?

Did you know: Our organization is entirely volunteer-run, from the Board of Directors, planning committees, right down to our Traffic and Parking Volunteers.

Be the weird you want to see in the world. Volunteer.

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